Do you have any complaint about any of our services? If you do, we would like to assist.

1. Our Complain Philosophy

We welcome complaints as we consider them as a useful feedback mechanism to assist us in perfecting our services. We are committed to resolving all complaints as soon as practicable and in an efficient manner.

2. Making a complaint

You can lodge a complaint through one of these channels:

  • By calling BML at +6087 442899
  • By writing to BML at:
    Address: Brighton Place
    Lot U0213 – U0215, Jalan Bahasa,
    87000 Labuan F.T., Malaysia
    Fax: +6087 451899

In order to resolve your complaint promptly, it is important that you provide us with the following information:

  1. Your contact details such as name, company, contact number and email address in order for us to reach you; and
  2. Complaint information such as date, name of our handling staff, nature of the complaint and any supporting evidence/documents.

On receiving your complaint, we will endeavor to resolve it promptly. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the investigation might take some time but you will be informed of the status until it is resolved.

We would like to thank you in advance for raising the complaint to us and we look forward to resolving it.

Thank you